The Stained Glass Soul

In that moment I understood my friend's joy. He had returned to this world of ultimate truth. The energy that shone through the body that we came to know as him, is now home, and without losing his coherence, he could experience in this world with perfect purity the incredible love he has for us, and we have for him.

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The Consciousness of Touch

As a seeker and a skeptic, this development was stunning. It broke down the walls of western belief that we are discreet little human packages running around and one shall not affect another via silly juju things like auras and energy and oneness.

The Beginning Begins

Thank you for joining! The purpose of this blog is to explore human spirituality and consciousness as we travel the path to more refined and subtle understanding. This seeking will be accomplished via personal exploration and insight, the experiences of others who have walked or who are walking this path, and through the wisdom of the... Continue Reading →

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