The Beginning Begins

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The purpose of this blog is to explore human spirituality and consciousness as we travel the path to more refined and subtle understanding. This seeking will be accomplished via personal exploration and insight, the experiences of others who have walked or who are walking this path, and through the wisdom of the ages in and out of the influence of the world’s most supportive religious philosophies.

As seekers before us came from many belief systems and share their wisdom based on their experiences as children and students of their religions, there is a common thread throughout and that is the pure gratitude for & profound belief in a beneficent supreme organizational consciousness that underlies every aspect of our existence. Even the most pure scientific evidence in quantum physics has at its core, the existence of the Unified Field from which physical law springs. It is from this base of understanding we start.

The goal is to create a context for experiencing the consciousness of infinite intelligence in accordance with natural law share not only that, but also the resulting experiences, and develop better understanding through dedicated conversation.

A level of self discipline is required. This includes clean living, proper nutrition, rest and exercise. However, refinement of the mind and body by ridding both of stress through regular meditation practice is the most important factor.

The author of this blog has been a Transcendental Meditation practitioner for close to thirty years and insights will be flavored with the experiences gained from that knowledge base. The author also recommends TM as the most well sturdied and proven meditative practice available to the western world. Because it is easier to be self disciplined when one is not dealing with a backlog of stressors, meditation is key to culturing the mind and body for better health and thought. It is also infinitely easier to refine the senses in silence than in the stressful hustle and bustle of daily life.

One does not have to become a hermit to set their feet on the path, but one needs to practice moving into the challenges of daily life from a place of silence, transcendence, peace and joy with regularity and consistence.

Meditation as well as Yoga, Tai Chi and other forms of body movement designed to be performed in silence can be a powerful tool as can walks in nature, by water and on the beach.

Distractions like smart phones, food, sex, alcohol & substance abuse are also ways to deal with the stress, but these solutions actually add more stress than they remove, in spite of the temporary rush of endorphins released. Most of these activities are normal in daily life but again, discipline is key, and coming to them from a place of silent connection to what many term “Being” is vitally important.

So join in. Share. Discuss. Let us create a community committed to service in the journey.

To be beautiful means to be yourself.  You don’t need to be accepted by others.  You need to accept yourself.

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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